It's the height of summer, and everyone you know is having a barbeque. You've been invited to go to three million fabulous parties, but what will you do about your canine companion? After all, doesn't Fido deserve a little fun as well? Taking your dog to a summer party can be a fun and rewarding experience, but you have to know some tips and tricks before taking your canine companion into a crowded public situation. Below we have some helpful tips that will hopefully make your dog's attendance at a summer gathering a smooth and enjoyable experience. After all, they aren't called the "dog days" of summer for nothing!
Is the Event Dog Friendly?
The first thing you have to find out is whether or not the event is dog friendly. Generally event is much more appropriate for dog attendance. Also, if the gathering is in a public place, like a park, they may have rules as to dogs being on the premises or leash restrictions. The final call however, comes down to the host of the party. Always ask the host if they are comfortable with you bringing your pet. If they say "no", shrug it off and don't bring it up again. If they say yes, you're in for a fun time!
Know your Dog If you don't know what your dog will do in just about any situation, you probably shouldn't bring him. Is he friendly around other dogs? Chances are he won't be the only canine at the party. Does he have to be leashed or fenced, or will he stay close to you without restraints? Many parties take place in outdoor spaces with no fencing, and hanging on to a leash for the entire party would get a little wearying. How does your dog react around kids? Chances are if dogs are allowed, then kids will be too. Kids like to touch and grab animals, even if they are polite and well mannered. If your dog doesn't like high pitched voices and sudden movements, he may be more comfortable at home. This is the point where you have to be really honest with yourself about Fido's personality. Some dogs just do better when left at home.
Feed your Dog Before you Go You'll want to give your dog a good lunch of kibble before you go to a gathering, because the smell of roasting hot dogs will send any canine into hunger overdrive. If he is full, it will help curb his hunger and begging. There is nothing more annoying or embarrassing than a pooch who will not leave you alone until he gets a piece of your bratwurst. Make sure your pet also knows a command to go lie down while people eat first.
Keep a Leash Handy
Your dog may be the most obedient animal at home, but sometimes when you take a dog into public he goes bananas. In the unfortunate event that he does loose is cool, you need to be prepared. That is why it is essential to keep a leash with you at all times, even if your dog usually goes off-leash. You don't want to be stuck with a dog that you have to control without a leash. Besides, some public outdoor spaces have leash laws, and you need to be prepared if a park ranger comes by to enforce those laws.
Bring Water
Just like any other animal, dogs need a lot of water when it is hot. But what if you go to the party and there's only beer and lemonade? Neither of these is exactly healthy for your dog. Make sure to take an empty milk jug full of water and a bowl for your dog to drink from. This way he won't get sick and dehydrated while you are having fun.
At the end of the day bringing your dog to a summer gathering can be a fun and rewarding experience, if you do it right. Dogs, like children, require a lot of care and attention, but they will give you endless love in return. So next time you are going out to a barbeque, think about taking your canine companion along as well.